
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
113 - Covid-Cola
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
We have another bumper episode for you all to chow down on! I think the first half of the show is pretty fun, but with our usual emotional whiplash, the back half of the show has a few content warnings. There are discussions of police violence against Indigenous people, discussing people who have died, and discussion of DV and sexual assault. We've mentioned it in the show before each story and there are timecodes below for you to skip.
This week we're serving up...
Entree/Blurst Take: Barnaby won't be bullied about climate policy / it was our fourth hottest winter ever
SPOTW: Cringe of the Week goes to Dr Queen Victoria with a lay-up assist to Nys! But the worst post of the week goes to Family Voice for their Fathers' Day photo competition.
Positivity Corner: We have actual positivity corners! Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action sue the NSW EPA; Queensland moves to decriminalise sex work; Srsly Wrong who are our idols are definitely aware of who we are; and Noon's orange tree has finally fruited after several years.
First Nations (CW 35:30): Zac watched Incarceration Nation and reports back about the film and some of the debate that it has raised.
Coronas: There's a UK deal for vaccines and people aren't going to their appointments. But the real news is that the Government totally abandoned their responsibility and has allowed coronavirus to get into prisons. The way they're dealing with it is also bad. Also an Indigenous man has died of Coronavirus for the first time since the pandemic began.
Fashy Australia / Mains (CW 1:03:30): It's a misogyny round-up. John Setka gets worse by the day, as does the Federal Government, who are refusing to implement recommendations for women's safety.
And you'll have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
If you like the show please consider supporting us financially: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod

Sunday Aug 29, 2021
112 - Paleo Croodités
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
I know we say "there's bad news" every week but this really is a pretty heavy episode, at least the back end of the show. We have a few content warnings that start at about 59 minutes - more specifics below. To balance it out we've tried to put in a few mini positivity corners throughout.
Transcripts of our episodes are uploaded within a few days at www.auspolsnackpod.com
Entree/Blurst Take: Craig Kelly has joined the United Australia Party which surely can't be good news for anyone.
Mini-Posi-Corner 1: Tasmanians will have much easier abortion access!
Coronas: Gladys is un-lock-down-ing, just as the cases continue to skyrocket. Plus, the government COVID Safe app is not only useless, it's actually making contact tracing much harder.
Potluck: We're not good at quick maths, but Nathan is! If you want to send us a potluck please record yourself talking for about a minute and email it to us at contact@auspolsnackpod.com
Mini-Posi-Corner 2: Truck drivers who work for Toll Group are striking!
SPOTW: How can we go past Croodsposting? But we also had a great SPOTWOOH as well as some honourable mentions. Waaaa!
Mini-Posi-Corner 3: 33 refugees have been released into community detention this week! So good. But they still need help setting up their new lives so please consider supporting this fundraiser: https://chuffed.org/project/freedom-for-refugeees
ACAB: The police have been going HAM beating up children and pepper spraying people. Meanwhile, the anti-lockdown protesters are also useless jerks!
First Nations: Wilcannia is an Indigenous community that has been systematically discriminated against for years and is now a covid hotspot. Info for how to donate to help them eat and get medical care: https://twitter.com/Meriiki/status/1431014887392563201
Fashy Australia: CW at 59:00 for suicide and descriptions of violence. Koneshwaran Krishnapillai, a Tamil refugee, died this week by setting himself on fire in Melbourne. Help his family pay for the funeral: https://www.gofundme.com/f/funeral-for-koneshwaran
Mini-Posi-Corner 4: It Could Happen Here is happening again! It's a podcast by Robert Evans, one of our favourite podcasters, about the collapse of modern society. Season 2 has just started, go check it out!
And you'll just have to wait to the end for our quite extensive Pupdate!
Support us on Patreon and get a monthly bonus episode and some other cool stuff! www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
Watch Noon play games and read theory: www.twitch.tv/NoonPlaysGames

Sunday Aug 22, 2021
111 - Bronanas ft. Lewis
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
After fully two years of mildly hassling him, our Fifth Beatle Lewis has finally come on the show! He's here to drop some knowledge about Afghanistan and critique some common left wing positions about the war (as well as the war itself, of course). Also featuring a fascinating and alarming digression about the NSW-Sudan war. We have a regular show for you too - we're serving up...
Positivity Corner: Australian neo-Nazis have been impressively infiltrated by journalists and their numbers are dropping as a result. This is the Yeah Nah video about Jarrad Searby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMvu6HYhlJ8
SPOTW: There was a great thread riffing on Zac's meme with Rex Patrick's submarine costume, plus a lay-up assist to Holly for flying a kite at night
Coronas: It's bad! Numbers are rising rapidly in NSW and playgrounds are being closed in Victoria.
First Nations: Surprising absolutely no one, it turns out that when Aboriginal people are put in charge of their own healthcare management they do really, really well. Also unsurprisingly, the colonial government is exposing First Nations communities to unnecessary risk.
Fashy Australia: Really this could have been every segment... but two refugees are suing the Australian Government for illegally imprisoning them on Nauru as children.
Mains: What's up with Afghanistan, and the withdrawal, and the Taliban, and Australia's war crimes, and so on?
And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate! ft. Lewis's doge Koca.
Support the show financially: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
Watch Noon Play Games: www.twitch.tv/NoonPlaysGames

Sunday Aug 15, 2021
110 - Marinara Subs
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Hello Snackpack and welcome back to another episode! We took a week off but we're back at it again with a chonky yet easy-to-swallow episode full of Australian news, politics and memes.
This week we're serving up...
Entree: IPCC report on Climate Change and Scott Morrison's useless response
SPOTW: Goes to Matt Canavan for being a useless sod
Broken Clock: We're awarding this to Scott Morrison and the Parliamentary Liberal Party for very very briefly doing something decent
Positivity Corner: We have two fully positive corners, the first is WA legislating safe zones around abortion clinics, and the second is that Victoria has finally decriminalised sex work! Let the Victorian Government know you support the changes here: https://engage.vic.gov.au/sex-work-decriminalisation
First Nations: There's a CW from 46:00 for the use of the name of someone who has died. Specifically, a woman from Yolngu who was involved in the creation of three absolutely spectacular volumes about Yolngu language, land, and culture. Check out their website for more info and links to purchase: https://www.yolngusignlanguage.com.au/
Coronas: the Government's double standard around Jobkeeper and "privacy" for big businesses who have made record profits during the pandemic.
And you'll have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
Please consider supporting us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod which helps us pay for transcripts!
Transcripts of episodes are released (usually within a couple of days) at www.auspolsnackpod.com
Go watch Noon playing games on twitch: www.twitch.tv/NoonPlaysGames

Sunday Aug 01, 2021
109 - 2 Tom 2 Tanuki
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
We're very excited to announce our special guest host this week, Australia's Boyfriend, Tom Tanuki! You know who he is - he's one of the country's pre-eminent antifascists, as well as a kook-watcher, and he's on this week to talk about the anti-lockdown protests. He drops a bunch of knowledge and even gives us an update on his beautiful cat Chimpy.
And thank you all so much for getting us up to 100 reviews on Apple Podcasts! Even though we have more than 100 we would LOVE more so please go leave us a review uwu
Watch him on the youtubes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYgRzstFX-CwCGq781If_dw
Support our show financially: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
Read this article Tom mentions from Cam Wilson: https://www.crikey.com.au/2021/07/28/seven-people-groups-anti-vaxxers-vote-next-election/

Sunday Jul 25, 2021
108 - Cheese n Crikeys
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Please stick with us past the first minute of this episode because we start messy but I think the episode is a good one! We spend quite a while on everyone's favourite segment of Auspol Snackpod: the sports news. Also, we're nearly at our goal of 100 reviews on Apple Podcasts, please go and leave us a review.
There's a CW from 35 mins til the end of the show because we discuss transphobic views in a bit of detail.
This week on the show we're serving up...
Entree: Friendlyjordies is asking John Barilaro to weaken his own position in their court case
Coronas: Gladys wants all the Pfizer for NSW and we talk about the ATAGI (Atagi?) issue and how Scott Morrison has yet again made life difficult for himself by being a useless muppet
First Nations: the Eastern Guruma people are refusing to do Welcome to Country ceremonies for Rio
SPOTW: Golden Dawn! They're... swimmers?
Blurst Take / Fashy Aus / Mains: Crikey published a rabidly transphobic article, and Zac does a bit of a deep dive into the author and the way that transphobia and fascism are related / the same thing, and the way violent anti-semitism pops up if you scratch the surface of a transphobe.
And you'll have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
Support the show financially: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
Read about fascism and transphobia: https://freedomnews.org.uk/2021/03/20/alert-transphobic-feminism-and-far-right-activism-rapidly-converging/
Tweet thread from @christapeterso: https://twitter.com/christapeterso/status/1416599964214448130

Sunday Jul 18, 2021
107 - VR Bacon
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
It's a long one, Usul! We're serving up two hefty stories - Fashy Australia about the BLM protest at the Parklea Prison, and a roundup of the last few weeks news about Da Corona! Plus we have a couple of Positivity Corners, some quality memeage, and of course a Pupdate about our good and worthy little shriekhounds.
Please RATE AND REVIEW us on Apple Podcasts, we need somewhere between 3 and 5 more reviews to get to 100!!
If you like what we do and want to chuck us some cash, please do so at www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod

Sunday Jul 11, 2021
106 - NAIDOC Weets
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
It's NAIDOC Week so we have a fully First Nations focussed episode. Our last few stories have heavy content warnings for the names of dead Indigenous people and discussion of police violence, which starts at about 41:20.
Entree: What does NAIDOC stand for, and why does it stand for that?
Check out this thread by Khadija Gbla: https://twitter.com/KhadijaGbla/status/1412950412643028996
Also, listen to Broriginals: https://awesomeblack.org/podcast/ep-107-always-was-always-bilby/
SPOTW: Multiple winners this week with a variety of NAIDOC content!
Coronas: Once again it's extremely obvious that First Nations communities have just vastly better outcomes when they are in control. Zac takes us through a vaccine rollout in the NT and Noon has a brief aside about St Joseph's.
Positivity Corner: Seed Mob are an awesome group that has managed to get a senate inquiry up into fracking in the Beetaloo Basin
ACAB: Content warning starts here at about 41:20 for the rest of the show. Zac talks about the police shameful behaviour at the coronial inquest of a man killed during a police chase.
Fashy Australia: An Australian forensic pathologist gave evidence that "excited delirium" was a factor in an Aboriginal man's death in custody. Noon gives a bit of a history lesson of this incredibly racist, made up disease. For more check out Behind the Bastards: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-excited-delirium-how-cops-81965684/
We're trying to get to 100 reviews on Apple Podcasts! We have 94 so we need.... roughly six more! You can also support us financially at www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!

Sunday Jul 04, 2021
105 - (UNLOCKED) Vegan DESTROYS carnists with FEMINISM and LOGIC
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
We're taking a week off so we're playing our very popular bonus episode in which Zac finally talks about veganism at length! The challenge was to talk about it "from a non-entitled wanker point of view" which I think Zac managed to do admirably. This isn't an hour long rant about how meat eating is evil, it's more like an hour long rant about how much Zac loves animals, so regardless of your relationship with veganism there's almost certainly something you can get out of this interesting discussion.
And please leave us reviews over on Apple Podcasts! We're nearly at 100 reviews and we only need a couple more! To those who left reviews this week, we'll read 'em out next time but THANK YOU they were unbearably sweet.
Support the show on Patreon: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod

Sunday Jun 27, 2021
104 - Critical Raisin Theory
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Hello friends and listeners and welcome back to Auspol Snackpod! There's been a-legislations a-transpirin' in Parliament this week, plenty of highly visible shenanigans, and as always, crispy memes. We're trying to get to 100 reviews on Apple Podcasts so if you haven't left us one yet please do that!
There's a content warning for discussion of sexual harassment in our first story from 14:50 - 19:10.
This week on the show we're serving up...
Entree/SPOTW: Guess who's back? Back again? Barnaby Joyce. The answer is Barnaby.
Coronas: Sydney / parts of NSW are in a two week lockdown, and the Nationals have all been infecting one another.
First Nations: Zac runs us through a panel at the Emerging Writers' Festival about prison abolition. You can watch the panel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAJsY1vnk8M
Positivity Corner: a shitty fossil fuel Bill got (eventually) voted down because Pauline Hanson vagued out of Parliament
Fashy Australia: The Online Safety Bill has been passed, unfortunately. It's a super dangerous and wide-ranging Bill with no oversight or accountability. You can listen to our episode "086 - Bagelian vs Breadator" for more.
Blurst Take: our incompetent Parliament voted up a motion from Pauline Hanson that "rejects Critical Race Theory" from the national curriculum. What is Critical Race Theory? Why has Pauline chosen this week to bring up this ridiculous motion? Has it ever been taught in Australian schools? These questions and more will be answered.
And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
Support Homes not Prisons: https://homesnotprisons.com.au/
Support the show: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod/