
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
133 - Prunes MacStewed
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
There was legitimately way too much news this week. We had to cut loads of stories and all the stories we kept ended up being TOO INTERESTING. So, hopefully you have plenty of lawns to mow today. This week we're serving up...
Aperitifs: Queensland is having ANOTHER Fitzgerald Inquiry - an anti-corruption investigation of their anti-corruption body, because they might have done a tiny little coup of one council one time. Separately, Ben Roberts-Smith is Barbara Streisanding and Mr Beaning his way to having his alleged war medals revoked.
Kook Watch: Canberra is hosting some more grifter-cookers who are having a lot of fun appropriating Indigenous rhetoric and crashing their cars into each other. Zac uses the word synecdoche.
SPOTW: This week it's going to not only a first-time winner but a first-time poster! Richard Colbeck is leading the charge on portfolio-portfolio balance as he goes to see the cricket instead of dealing with the coronavirus.
UFU: Return UFU winner Barnaby Joyce has a text message leaked, and Scott Morrison is generally wildly unpopular.
Election Section: Shoutouts to Aiden for the new sting. Please send in more. This Election Section is about political parties' electoral funding and why it's so deeply vague/corrupt. Read more about the issues here: https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/news/politics/2022/02/05/how-political-parties-hide-the-source-their-donations/164397960013270#mtr
Positivity Corner: Menulog drivers are to be considered employees instead of subcontractors! Woo!
Broken Clock: Prue MacSween (better known as Prunes MacStewed) has been advertising for the Greens for some reason. We also have a bit of a roundup of her greatest hits. Read/watch more about her racist nonsense here: https://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/episodes/a-sunrise-to-forget/9972306
First Nations: the coronavirus is sweeping through remote communities; the Governments seem to have totally abdicated their responsibility.
Fashy Australia: Citipointe Christian College (no, the other CCC) has had a terrible week; first they told parents they have to sign a horrible bigoted contract, and yada yada yada the principal has now resigned. Read more about the CCC and their links with the LNP and ACL: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/feb/05/citipointe-christian-college-pastor-brian-mulheran-brisbane-school-lnp-liberal-national-party-queensland
And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
Please support the show financially: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod

Sunday Jan 30, 2022
132 - Side-Eye Steak
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
It's a post-heavy episode this week, with plenty of news and even a new sting/segment! We're serving up...
Aperitifs: Solar grants for struggling yacht clubs; Anne Ruston manages to be deeply insulting to disabled people while trying to praise them; Centrelink doesn't have a database so much as a pile of inaccessible documents.
Positivity Corner: Zac gives us some patented Le Snak brand art analysis, about the red paint poured over colonial statues of Captain Cook.
First Nations: The copyright to the Aboriginal flag has been purchased by the Federal Government, in direct contradiction of their committee report about it.
Read more about it from Bronwyn Carlson: https://theconversation.com/amp/dont-say-the-aboriginal-flag-was-freed-it-belongs-to-us-not-the-commonwealth-175623
Blurst Take: We can't not talk about Grace Tame and the side-eye. The blurst take comes in from Peter van Onselen and the various other gross people who have published gross and demeaning takes about Tame. We also have a blesst take from Amy Remeikis and Carrie Bickmore.
Read more and watch the footage here: https://womensagenda.com.au/politics/carrie-bickmore-amy-remeikis-tear-pvo-a-new-one-over-irresponsible-and-devastating-grace-tame-comments/
Read Amy Remeikis' article about PvO here: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jan/26/on-the-project-my-rage-bubbled-to-the-surface-thats-what-happens-when-women-are-no-longer-willing-to-make-nice
Read Kara Shlegl's article about Grace Tame, autism and masking: https://www.refinery29.com/en-au/smiling-grace-tame-autism
SPOTW: We're awarding this to Grace Tame for her tireless and cromulent posting over the last year.
Election Section: The NSW Liberal Party is a complete shambles thanks to the machinations of Alex Hawke, who wants to avoid a pre-selection battle. Meanwhile various Liberal party apparatchiks are considering legal action. South Australia continues to be extremely hilarious.
Fashy Australia: the Select Committee on Social Media and Online Safety is a total clownshow. Craig Kelly is using it as a personal vehicle to litigate his hurt feelings from twitter, and they are mainly taking evidence from active, organised homophobes and transphobes. Cool cool cool.
And you'll just have to wait til the end for our Pupdate!
Support the show financially: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
If you can't or don't want to listen to the show, you can find transcripts at www.auspolsnackpod.com

Sunday Jan 23, 2022
131 - Code Brownies
Sunday Jan 23, 2022
Sunday Jan 23, 2022
"It took twenty seven takes, and that was the best one." That's our motto for the first 5 mins of the show. But after that we're serving up all the news, politics, and memes that you could possibly eat in one sitting.
This week we have...
Aperitifs: Ben Roberts-Smith, alleged war hero, lost a side-case in court and has been forced to pay close to half a million to Jo Dyer. A cop has been suspended and charged with assault after throwing someone face first into the ground. Morrison lies blatantly (but is that news at this point?) about the people being kept in the Park Hotel/Prison being refugees. We also talk briefly about the Tonga volcano disaster and the Australian aid response.
Positivity Corner: At the end of last year, SA was 100% renewable powered for almost an entire week! This is because of some cool and interesting changes in regulations.
UFU: Forkliftgate. Need we say more?
First Nations: A round-up of Invasion Day events and a terrible article from some racist jerkbag. Find events near you from these articles:
SPOTW: We're giving this to Kira (yet again) for their extremely high quality maymays.
Coronas: A little bit about the WA hard border, and about the Code Brown called for Victorian hospitals, and some of the particularly cooked aspects of it.
And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
Support the show financially and help us pay our transcribers: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
Get transcripts of the episodes at www.auspolsnackpod.com

Sunday Jan 16, 2022
130 - Omicromelette
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
It's our first episode of 2022 and we're bringing our new year slimy matrix goo pod energy! This week we're serving up...
Coronas: There are no RATs! Partly because half the truck drivers in the country are sick with the covid! Partly because there are no RATs! Also there's a labour crisis! Is there a great resignation going on in Australia? Whomst could say.
Kook Watch: Sovereign Citizens set fire to Old Parliament House, then tried to use the Aboriginal Tent Embassy as cover. The situation is complex and shitty in multiple ways.
Positivity Corner: The Palestine solidarity boycott of the Sydney Festival is very impressive activism! We talk about some of the common objections that have been going around twitter dot com and the newspapers' opinion pages, as well as BDS more generally and hasbarah (pro-Israel PR).
Follow these people for more updates: https://twitter.com/PalestineRising https://twitter.com/jennineak https://twitter.com/fahad_s_ali http://www.instagram.com/stories/boycottsydfest
First Nations: Gomeroi sacred sites that were going to be destroyed for a coal mine is instead being handed back to... farmers? The sites are still legally unprotected and not accessible to traditional owners.
SPOTW: We're starting off the year with a high-quality "and that child grew up to be Albert Einstein" post.
And you'll have to wait til the end for our Pupdate!
Please follow us on socials @auspolsnackpod on all the things!
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Sunday Dec 26, 2021
129: Today? Why, it’s Approximately Christmas Day! Memevent Calendar Part 2
Sunday Dec 26, 2021
Sunday Dec 26, 2021
We're back! With another episode of memes, memes, and more memes, with a robust side of extremely cool and popular guest host Holly!
We go from July to the end of the year with our posts of the week, meandering a little as we all fall asleep (we ended up recording this roughly 3 hours later than intended). From NAIDOC to loving submarines (it risky) to the Croods, it's been a year of absolute c o n t e n t and we salute you for it. We'll be back in January sometime! Love youse all, have a safe and happy new year.
Buy us a christmas present: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
Read transcripts of our episodes: www.auspolsnackpod.com

Sunday Dec 19, 2021
128 - The Year in Memes: Memevent Calendar Part 1
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Boy howdy it's been a long year. A long, painful, long, difficult, isolated, long year. But we've been posting through it. The entire nation has really lifted our meme game during the pandemic and in this week and next week's episodes we're going through the posts, content, tweets, and memes that defined our year. We're also joined by robust and popular podcaster extraordinaire, Holly!
Part 1 is January to June, and there are some quality posts we've got for you, from the foreboding omen of our first ever SPOTW all the way to FOUR TYPES OF DAMAGE and the Chad/Virgin Leunig.
Support the show financially and get monthly bonus eps and join our discord and other cool things: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
Check out Holly's show Every Second Weekend: https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/4fu5m-13881b/Every-Second-Weekend-Podcast

Sunday Dec 12, 2021
127 - Union Bhaji
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Zac's away again this weekend so we recorded this earlier this week. Hopefully there haven't been any massive developments in these stories since then...
Aperitifs: Gladys may or may not run for Parliament; we're boycotting the Olympics but kinda not really; and Barclay McGain dressed up as Kyle Rittenhouse for Halloween (slightly late but extremely gross!)
Coronas: NSW has seen several court cases about vaccine mandates. Thus far they have all failed.
Positivity Corner: NSW teachers and public transport workers have both gone on strike!
Fashy Aus: The NTEU carefully removed stuff anti-transphobia in a resolution put forward by the Queer wing of the union.
Read the article from Eric Stacey: https://blog.joyrex.net/nteu-and-transphobia
First Nations: Adani has destroyed a sacred stone-knapping site at its Carmichael Coal Mine. Also the Woppaburra people have had their Native Title claims for the Keppel islands approved.
SPOTW: I have to prove my booomerposting credentials, so we're giving this to political cartoonist Kudelka for his rusted-on bingo teatowel.
And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
Support the show financially and help us pay for transcripts: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
Read the transcripts: www.auspolsnackpod.com

Sunday Dec 05, 2021
126 - Bandt Cake
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
It's another longthful episode this week because there's just too much dang news! There are a couple of CWs, time-codes are below.
This week we're serving up...
Aperitifs: Craig Kelly on new Social Media Inquiry, Greg Hunt is retiring to spend more time watching porn on twitter, VicForests will save Christmas by destroying Melbourne's water supply, and Coles is thefting even more wages than they were wage-thefting before!
SPOTW: Adam Bandt's corporate blue tick facebook profile joined our meme group, and so far, has disappointed us
Kook Watch: Victorian pandemic powers bill will pass, anti-vaxers are violently assaulting people and continuing to spread the coronavirus at their rallies
Positivity Corner: Zac went to the CARF rally and an anti-wage-theft rally this week, shoutouts to everyone who's turning up to these events!
First Nations: CW for talking about Indigenous people who have died from 31:00 - 35:30. There has been another Indigenous woman who has died in custody in Melbourne, and although not much information is available it's another travesty of justice. Also this week, Yolngu man and world-famous actor David Dalaithngu has died.
Follow the ISJA on FB: https://www.facebook.com/ISJA.Melbourne
Follow Stop Black Deaths in Custody: https://www.facebook.com/2Black2StrongTshirts/
No-One Cares About Climate Change: the Labor party farted and called it a 2030 policy, but more interestingly, Australia seems to be wildly under-reporting our fossil fuel emissions. Like maybe by 5-10x.
Read more about how terrible the situation is here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-12-03/satellites-are-challenging-australias-coal-mining-industry/100663676
Mains: another CW from 43:15-1:25:00 for non-graphic discussions of misogyny and sexual harassment and assault. We have a big chat about the misogyny of the government, the way Bridget Archer was horribly manipulated by the Prime Minister and Treasurer, the report into Parliamentary culture, and more.
And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
Support the show financially and get a monthly bonus episode and other cool stuff: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
If you want to read our show instead of listening to it you can get transcripts over at www.auspolsnackpod.com

Sunday Nov 28, 2021
125 - Anti-Vaxi Antipasti
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
We're finally back with a normal episode and it's an extra long one because there's just too much dang news! This week on the menu is:
Aperitifs: Trans Day of Remembrance, NSW State Elections, VicForests doing mad crimes, and Dutton wins a defo suit (boooo). Read more about forestry crimes here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-24/hi-res-elevation-data-pinpoints-outlaw-logging-in-forests/100626640
Potluck: Big thanks to Jess for this potluck about Powershop. Please send us a potluck! Just record yourself speaking for one minute and send it to contact@auspolsnackpod.com
Fashy Australia: The religious discrimination laws have gone through the Lower House. It's unclear what they will mean but it's definitely nothing good. This is also the first of a number of Parliamentary shenanigans this week, because Scott Morrison is kinda losing control of his party. Also discussed in this segment: the ICAC bill, Hanson/Lambie, Bridget Archer, Christensen, the ABC/SBS inquiry, etc. A bunch of new info about Bridget Archer's meeting with the PM has come out since we recorded but don't worry we'll talk about it next week!
Kook Watch: The anti-vaxers are out again, they're all catching coronavirus, and some of them are being arrested. We also talk a bit about Da Bill.
SPOTW: a literal SP this week.
First Nations: Forced vaccination conspiracy is doing the rounds. Thankfully it's total nonsense but what the hell is wrong with these conspiracy kooks???
Positivity Corner: Fella's bill passes in South Australia, banning the use of spit hoods.
C is for Climate Change: Blockade Australia protester Sergeio has been sentenced to 12 months jail, 6 months no parole. Labor manages once again to prove that we can't trust them for anything by giving big-ups to the judge for this conviction.
And you'll just have to wait til the end for our Pupdate!
Support the show financially and get a monthly bonus ep: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod

Sunday Nov 21, 2021
124 - Gina Rinehart‘s Jokebook
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
It's another pre-recorded episode this week - lucky there's no news, right?? Snackpod are the proud owners of one of maybe only eight or ten copies of Gina Rinehart's alleged jokebook, Jokes and Joys (Dedicated to Aussie Mother). So for this week's episode, we read some of the least vile jokes and memes straight from Australia's richest person.
This episode somewhat apropos of Alex McKinnon's article about Australia's billionaires (read it here: https://www.gawker.com/politics/meet-australias-batshit-insane-mining-billionaires). Shoutouts to Elyce Philips, owner of another one of these deeply cursed books. (Check her out on twitter: https://twitter.com/elycephillips)
Support Snackpod financially for more of Jokes and Joys and other less weirdly horrible bonus content: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
Watch Noon play games on twitch: www.twitch.tv/Noonplaysgames
Follow us on Facebook, twitter, instagram @auspolsnackpod on all the things.
Go to our website for transcripts of all our episodes usually up within a couple days / maybe a week: www.auspolsnackpod.com