
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
142 - No News is Gouda News
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
There's pretty much nothing happening except the election, i.e., there's pretty much nothing happening. But we have a show about it!
Election Section: There was a leader's "debate", the Labor Party have announced they hate the planet and everyone in the country, Albo got "da bib", and Liberal Transphobe Katherine Deves continues to make everyone mad (see episode 108 for more: https://auspolsnackpod.podbean.com/e/108-cheese-n-crikeys/)
Fashy Australia: Todd Sampson is a doofus and is taking happy snaps with active, out-and-proud white supremacists
First Nations/Positivity Corner: CW for discussion of massacres + genocide from 27:50 - 32:35. A massacre site at Gai-i has been handed back to the control of the traditional owners, the Darumbal people.
UFU: Frydenberg is having a bad week, almost entirely of his own making
Potluck: If you want to send in a recording of you talking about Australian politics, news, or memes (or, uh, singing a TV show theme song?) please send it in to contact@auspolsnackpod.com
SPOTW: Adam Bandt ruined my shitposting group and I will be voting UAP from now on
and you'll just have to wait to the end for our Pupdate!
Support us financially (especially if YOU ruined my shitposting group) at www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
We use the money to pay transcribers and you can READ the episodes over at www.auspolsnackpod.com

Sunday Apr 17, 2022
MINI - Chocolate Pesach Eggs
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
"Mini" he said. "Just a few minutes" he said. Well, here's a not-super-long episode from ya boy Noon about Pesach (Passover) the Jewish festival that Easter happens at the same time as.
There's even a teeny tiny little bit of Auspol in there if you pay attention.
I hope you all have a revolutionary pesach full of freedom <3 and we'll catch you all next week for our usual stuff.
Support Auspol Snackpod financially to help us pay transcribers: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
If you can't or don't want to listen you can get transcripts at www.auspolsnackpod.com usually within a few days of the episode being uploaded.
Music is Mah Nishtanah performed by the Maccabeats and you can listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmabziV1LiY
If you want another Judaic banger (totally not related to Pesach) try the Kiffness' remix of the Shirat Choir performing Im Hashem lo Yivneh Bayis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGmXAu8geVg
Watch me play games on twitch: www.twitch.tv/NoonPlaysGames

Sunday Apr 10, 2022
141 - Insouffletion
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Get your mowers going because it's a long episode this week. We're serving up:
Aperitifs: Shoutouts to Loud, Angry and Not Sorry for their recent episode with Celeste Liddle, listen here: https://loudandangry.podbean.com/e/feminist-baddies-with-celeste-liddle/
Also, the Government's reduction in the fuel excise has left truck drivers with almost nothing.
Mains: What is an inflation? What is an interest rate? What the hell is everyone talking about?
Positivity Corner: All the men held in Park Hotel Prison have been released!
First Nations: Two Indigenous senators from the Greens went to Hakea prison for a meeting; they were escorted out by police.
Fashy Australia: Clive Palmer lies blatantly about all the anti-semites he associates with. Also Craig Kelly got egged lmao. Read Tom Tanuki's piece here: https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/clive-palmer-must-answer-for-uap-antisemitism,16232
SPOTW: Everyone keeps piling it on Morrison, hilariously. Also there's more news about his alleged corruption and racism, woo
Blurst Take: The Greens are struggling yet again with transphobes in Victoria. Read more here: https://twitter.com/epistemophagy/status/1510084272585347076
And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
Support the show financially at www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod

Sunday Apr 03, 2022
140 - Choc Budge Brownies
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
It was the budget! And you know what that means: almost nothing. This week we're serving up...
Fashy Aus: A couple of terrible laws have been passed: the Mutual Obligations Bill and new anti-protest laws in NSW. Yikes!
Positivity Corner: Australia is at record high levels of industrial action. And it was Trans Day of Visibility this week! <3 much love to our trans and gender non-conforming listeners and friends.
You can read Aaminah's short essay/post here: https://www.facebook.com/itsjaythenerdkid/posts/4451279648307210
Climate Change: once in a thousand year floods happened twice this month. It's an absolute indictment on Australia.
First Nations: CW from 22:00 - 28:15. We're talking about yet another Indigenous man who died in prison, who had his pleas for help ignored, and who was isolated in specially designed psychological torture cells.
Blurst Take: Pretty much the whole budget really. It's blurst takes all the way down.
SPOTW: the one good thing about budget night is budget memes.
Broken Clock: Liberal Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells AND Scott Morrison both get Broken Clock this week for their assessments of each other.
And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
Please support us financially to help us pay our transcribers! www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
If you want to or have to read the episodes instead of listen to them you can do so over at www.auspolsnackpod.com

Sunday Mar 27, 2022
139 - Marinated Pork Cops
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
This week we're serving up...
Aperitifs: Aged care workers getting screwed over by the government (surprise!) and John Barilaro is suing Google.
Election Section: Labor won the SA election last weekend!
First Nations: Yoorrook Justice Commission has officially launched! Go check out their website: https://yoorrookjusticecommission.org.au/
ACAB: Why are cops involved in the flood recovery? Seriously, wtaf? Watch Tom Tanuki's video about it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srbwelwyzlo
SPOTW: Shoutouts to Liam and/or the Herald Sun for their Albo policies infographic
Positivity Corner: Blockade Australia have been rocking out with direct action all week
And you'll just have to wait til the end for our Pupdate!
Please support us financially at www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
Your money helps us pay people to transcribe our episodes! If you can't or don't want to listen with your ears, you can read our episodes over at www.auspolsnackpod.com
Watch Noon stream games at www.twitch.tv/NoonPlaysGames

Sunday Mar 20, 2022
138 - Albonana Smoothie
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Sunday Mar 20, 2022

Sunday Mar 13, 2022
137 - BakedBeans ft. Jo
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Zac's away having fun or something so earlier in the week I sat down with Jo, host of the Chronically Fully Sick podcast to snack down on the news and memes.
There's been a LOT of news since we recorded, especially the murder trial for a police officer in the NT, which we will definitely talk about next time. So just a warning that there might be some things you expect us to discuss that we do not.
This week Jo and Noon are serving up...
Aperitifs: International Women's Day and Labour Day!
First Nations / Blurst Take: For the first time ever, Victorian First Nations groups are getting a water allocation from the Murray Darling. It's historical but also pretty miniscule.
SPOTW: Sonic erotica. Need we say more? Shoutouts Liam for the layup/assist.
Fashy Australia: Ever heard of BusyBeans? No? Well, ever heard of soul destroying fake "employment training providers"? No? Well, ever heard of brutal corruption and exploiting disabled people for financial gain? Ever heard of the NDIS and the Minister blatantly lying?
And you'll have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
Listen to Chronically Fully Sick: https://www.chronicallyfullysick.com/
Follow them on Insta: @ChronicallyFullySick
Support Auspol Snackpod financially to help us pay our transcribers: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
If you can't or don't want to listen, you can read our episodes over at www.auspolsnackpod.com

Sunday Mar 06, 2022
136 - Chive Parma
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
We're back! Sorry about last week. Also maybe about next week. But this week we have a regular old show for you all! We're serving up...
Aperitifs: Morrison has COVID; Clive Palmer has Hitler's car; World War III?
SPOTW: You never want to go full Bill Shorten.
Climate Cookies: Floods all over the North East of Australia
First Nations: a teenaged boy was killed by cops and then the cops lied to his father about it. Also, Victoria has approved reparation payments for victims of the Stolen Generations.
Positivity Corner: Mark Latham's transphobic bill #1 has been defeated in the NSW Parliament.
Potluck: Bike helmets. Bike lights. Pedestrian helmets. Pedestrian lights?
And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
Please support the show at www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod. Your donations help us pay for transcripts so if you prefer or need to read things instead of listening you can get those over at www.auspolsnackpod.com
Listen to Zac's choons at https://soundcloud.com/zaclesnak
Watch Noon play games on twitch www.twitch.tv/NoonPlaysGames

Sunday Feb 20, 2022
135 - Sex Waffles ft. JB
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
We had such a good time with our guest last week, we decided to get another one! We got JB to come on the show to talk about sex work decriminalisation and other legal frameworks, as well as the ethics of the sex industry, moralising, and about a million other things. And they didn't even get to their second point!
This week we're serving up...
Election Section: NSW had four by elections, most of which were at least fairly interesting!
SPOTW: Antony Green got Ligma'd.
Positivity Corner: JB talks to us about sex work decrim passing the Victorian parliament.
First Nations: on the anniversary of the Apology for the Stolen Generations, we had some very powerful speeches from First Nations leaders and a rage-inducingly bad one from the Prime Minister.
And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
Check out JB on twitter: https://twitter.com/fairy_godslut
Check out Vixen Collective: https://www.vixencollective.org/
Decolonise Sex Work: https://www.instagram.com/decolonisesexworkau
Assembly Four: https://twitter.com/AssemblyFour
Digital Rights Watch: https://digitalrightswatch.org.au/
Support Snackpod financially: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
You can read transcripts of our episodes at www.auspolsnackpod.com

Sunday Feb 13, 2022
134 - Religious Freedom Fries ft.Tilde!
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
We're very excited to announce our guest host Tilde! She's a unionist and organiser and twitch streamer and a confirmed poster and came on to talk to us about the Religious Freedom / Anti-Trans Kids Bill and to explain the sad machinations of our political parties.
There's a content warning for our First Nations story which involves an Indigenous man who was killed by police, and the use of his name. The story runs from 44:40 to 55:50.
Oh and by the way, sorry about the little peeps from Bagel. He was in dog jail while we recorded and was protesting his unfair treatment.
This week we're serving up...
Aperitifs: South Australian politicians did a sit-in in the Lower House to demand something that literally can't happen. And a Victorian Labor MP will likely be expelled from the party because she crossed the floor to support a petty revenge bill.
Fashy Australia: Tilde talks to us about the Religious Discrimination Bill, the Labor Party's conservative arm (ie most of it), the Liberal Party's failed attempt to whip up concern, and to remind you to buy your trans friends a PS5.
First Nations: CW from 44:40 to 55:50. We talk about the murder trial of the Indigenous man killed by Officer Zachary Rolfe in Yuendumu in 2019.
Kook Watch: This show could pretty much just be renamed Kook Watch at this point because there's so much cooker nonsense going on in the nation's capital that we have to keep talking about it. Luckily this week we also have...
SPOTW: which goes to @ThoughtlessDeed on twitter for his personalised playing cards of all the key cooker leaders. And also a...
Potluck: a short song written by Jase! About the Cooker Convoy.
And you'll just have to wait til the end for our Pupdate!
Go check out Tilde on twitter (https://twitter.com/Ultros_pro) and Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/ultros_professional)
Support Snackpod with your dollarydoos: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
Also watch Noon on twitch: www.twitch.tv/NoonPlaysGames