
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
123 - Blockade Chocolate ft. Holly
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Noon is away this week dealing with a smol MH crisis, but never fear because robust fan favourite and peoples' champion Holly is back to celebrate No Knowledge November. Excitingly, we also have a new segment and sting for you! Also just a heads up that next week will be another unusual episode but it will have both Zac and Noon on it (unless something goes horribly wrong).
This week we are serving up...
Aperitifs: Morrison gets a haircut (it's election season), and Tim Smith crashed his Picklemobile!
SPOTW: Goes to Noon's mum for a layup/assist.
C is for Climate/Potluck: Noon calls in to talk about the Glasgow climate talks, Net Zero modelling, EVs, and the CEFC. And Zac tells us about Blockade Australia and their great work this week. Support the cause: https://chuffed.org/project/blockade-australia-fundraiser
First Nations (CW 36:10-42:00 for names and descriptions of Indigenous people who have died in custody): There have been two more First Nations people killed in custody in just the last week.
Positivity Corner (CW 42:00 - 58:56 for non-graphic discussion of sexual assault): Affirmative consent laws are being introduced in Victoria and NSW.
Fashy Australia: Get out and support CARF (Campaign Against Racism and Fascism) in their counter-protests against the rolling far right and anti-vax rallies. Come along next weekend! Events in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.
Event details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/261299109308167
Support Snackpod financially and get a monthly bonus episode and other stuff: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
Watch Noon play games on twitch: www.twitch.tv/NoonPlaysGames

Sunday Nov 07, 2021
122 - Slutwalk Salad with Mev
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Zac's off this week, so Noon caught up with Mev, one of the organisers at Slutwalk Naarm/Melbourne. She chats with us about the history of the movement, consent, victim blaming, the word slut and the pros and cons of using it as part of a radical organisation, and more! We hope you love the show this week.
Slutwalk Naarm/Melbourne is happening next week 13th November at 1pm on 3CR. It will be hosted hosted by Chilli & Aretha Brown! Tune in & turn it up!
2021 rally fb event: https://fb.me/e/2Bpg8tHY2
Tune in to 3CR here: https://www.3cr.org.au/streaming
Follow Slutwalk Naarm/Melbourne on FB: https://www.facebook.com/slutwalkmelbourne
and on twitter: https://twitter.com/SlutWalkMelb
And you can email them at slutwalkmelbourne@gmail.com
Some of the organisations Mev mentions include:
Dhadjowa Foundation: https://dhadjowa.com.au/
Djirra: https://djirra.org.au/
#LetUsSpeak campaign: https://www.letusspeak.com.au/ and their parent org RASARA: https://rasara.org/let-us-speak
Respect is the Rule: https://www.hospovoice.org.au/campaigns/respect-is-the-rule/
If you want to support Snackpod you can do so financially over at www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
121 - Carbonara
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
It's a newsy week and we've got a long newsy show for you all. This week we're serving up...
Aperitifs: Crown Casino lose their license but also don't, featuring Noon singing. The Federal Government is trying to bring in voter ID laws. And Michael Leunig has been fired from the age. We also have a SPOTW for Meag's Leunig knock-off.
Positivity Corner: ICAC continues to ICAC, with both Gladys Berejiklian and Daryl Maguire taking the witness stand this week. We re-enact some of the tapped phone calls and get you up to date with all the major drama.
First Nations: New funding for Indigenous artists is cool but doesn't address with the huge problems and rampant exploitation in the Aboriginal art industry, which artists and art collectives have been calling for help with.
ACAB: Former head of ethics at Victorian Police, Brett Guerin, will receive no punishment for making several hundred of some of the most vile and racist internet comments either of us have ever seen.
Fashy Australia: Zac takes us through the Online Safety Act, the changes to privacy laws, and the Online Defamation Bill, three attempts by the Federal Government to regulate social media platforms.
Mains - Nat Zero Carbonara: Scott Morrison is going to COP26 (the annual international climate policy conference) with a completely useless and meaningless "the plan" for net zero emissions by 2050. It's actually impressively bad.
Shoutouts to the Police Accountability Project: https://twitter.com/Police_Acc_Proj
Watch Noon on Cam Wilson's twitch talking about ICAC and IBAC and more: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1187349478
Support the show financially and get a monthly bonus episode! This month we watched and discussed an Australian horror film, Long Weekend: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod

Sunday Oct 24, 2021
120 - Getting on the Beers
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Hello and welcome to Freedompol Snackfreedom, the freedom-based podcast that is no longer in lockdown. It's a jam-packed episode this week! We do have a content warning from 46:40 - 53:00 for a story about the death of an Indigenous woman at the hands of police, so if you don't want to hear that you can skip past it.
We also have MULTIPLE SPOTW award winners, thank you all for your hard work. This week we're serving up...
Aperitifs: Lockdown is over in Melbourne; Candace Owens is invading Australia; ICAC continues to investigate the situation with Daryl and Gladys (you know... Gladys Berryjuicelemon?); Fran Kelly is gone; and Dorinda Cox was sworn into the Federal Senate.
Fashy Australia: the Park Hotel Prison is an extremely dangerous place where a huge number of the people being illegally jailed there are now infected with COVID.
Positivity Corner: Eddie Obeid, and his son and partner in crime Ian McDonald, are all going to jail (again). We have a quick rundown of who is this Obeid guy, why is he going to jail, and... why in the heck did he try to sue ICAC?
UFU: Oh Barilaro, can't you go five seconds without humiliating yourself? Friendlyjordies and his producer Kristo Langker have had a win in court in their ongoing stoush with Barilaro and NSW police, and the cops have had to pay $22 000 in legal costs to Langker. Follow @CelerySorbet https://twitter.com/CelerySorbet
First Nations: CW 46:40-53:00. There's been a terrible conclusion in the trial of the police officer who shot and killed an Indigenous woman known as JC in Geraldton in 2019, as he was found not guilty and had his identity supressed.
Potluck: Listener Rana sent in a very interesting and detailed potluck about the Greens' new mental health plan and some of the issues they see with it.
Broken Clock: It's always nice to see conservatives fight amongst themselves, and this week we got a leaked zoom meeting of the Victorian Liberals yelling swears at each other. Hooray!
And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
Support us financially at www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
Follow us on all the socials, twitter, fb, insta @AuspolSnackpod
Watch noon play games on twitch www.twitch.tv/NoonPlaysGames

Sunday Oct 17, 2021
119 - Shortstack Branches (with IBAC syrup)
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
We're much refreshed and back at it again after a week off. Luckily there was juuuust enough news for us to put together a show.
There is a CW for one of our First Nations stories, which involves the name of an Indigenous man who has died at the hands of police. That segment runs from 45:50 - 50:05.
This week we're serving up...
Aperitifs: Morrisons climate targets, COP21, and News Corps' new slightly pro-climate headlines
UFU: Victorian Labor are in trouble over branch stacking after Federal MP Anthony Byrne was questioned by IBAC this week. They also corruptly embezzled $14 000 worth of stamps. It's truly riveting stuff.
Positivity Corner: Queensland renters now are legally allowed to have a pet except in extreme circumstances. ALso, Wilcannia, the Western NSW town that was the epicentre of a corona outbreak, now has zero active cases!! All thanks to the incredible collective response of the community and Aboriginal health organisations.
First Nations: CW from 45:50 - 50:05 for the name of an Indigenous man who died during a police interaction and the sad and horrible story behind it.
We have another First Nations story which is more uplifting about the Wangan and Jagalingou people conducting a ceremony on their land which just so happens to be where Adani wants to build a coal mine.
Check out their websites: https://wanganjagalingou.com.au/ and https://standing-our-ground.org/ and follow them on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/WanganJagalingouStandingOurGround/) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/wjstandingourground/)
Blurst Take: Columnist Janet “witch hunts are cool when I do it” Albrechtsen wrote a terrible, terrible hit piece on Grace Tame. Stay classy, Alberchtsen.
And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
Give us $1 a month and get a monthly bonus episode, and help us pay for transcriptions! www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
If you want to read the episode instead of listening, transcripts are uploaded usually within a few days at www.auspolsnackpod.com
Watch Noon play games on twitch at www.twitch.tv/NoonPlaysGames

Sunday Oct 10, 2021
118 - UNLOCKED BONUS: Definitely True Facts about Bob Hawke (and aliens)
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
We're taking a week off! Woo! So we're releasing this bonus episode from a couple months ago. Zac did some actual research about Bob Hawke acting as an informant for the US Government, and Noon did some rants about the Rendlesham Forest incident and the assassination of Bobby Kennedy.
Support us financially over on Patreon for a bonus episode every month: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
For more please check out Cameron Coventry's work about Bob Hawke: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341655929_The_'Eloquence'_of_Robert_J_Hawke_United_States_informer_1973-79
For more about Bobby Kennedy, check out the RFK Tapes: http://rfktapes.com/
For more about Rendlesham Forest, keep watching the skies.

Sunday Oct 03, 2021
117 - Gladys Berryjuicelemon
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
You know, Gladys? Gladys Berryjuicelemon? Well, anyway, this week we're serving up:
Aperitifs: It is #BirdoftheYear time! Drop your vote for the regent honeyeater here: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2021/sep/27/australian-bird-of-the-year-2021-vote-now-for-your-favourite
Also, the fallout for our cancelled submarine deal with France continues with the EU delaying negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement.
Coronas: The Victorian outbreak is getting real big and scary, though we're getting closer to our vaccination targets. We also look at how the Disability Royal Commission has put the government on blast for their sneaky and underhanded decision to remove people with disabilities from the vaccine rollout.
Read the draft report here: https://disability.royalcommission.gov.au/news-and-media/media-releases/covid-19-vaccine-strategy-and-roll-out-people-disability-seriously-deficient-draft-report
ACAB: Queensland cops are suing their employer over the vaccine mandate. Do YOU have thoughts about the vaccine mandate? Because we don't know what we should think.
Potluck: Our listener Peter had some thoughts about recruitment tactics.
First Nations / Positivity Corner: The Daintree Rainforest and three other National Parks have been officially handed over to the management of the Eastern Kuku Yalanji Bama (people).
SPOTW: It's a Gladys roundup!
UFU/Mains: We remind you what happened with Gladys and Daryl and ICAC, and catch you up with the events of this week, and the likely replacements for Gladys both in the seat of Willoughby and as Premier of NSW.
And you'll just have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
Support the show financially and get a monthly bonus episode: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod

Sunday Sep 26, 2021
116 - CFMEUman Centipede
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
It's another super long episode because our story on the Melbourne protests accidentally went nearly an hour long. Whoopsie doodle! Hopefully you find our discussion at least somewhat interesting or insightful.
We also have a couple of trigger warnings at the end of the show. Time codes are below and we give warnings when you're listening before the stories start.
This week we're serving you...
Aperitifs: Christian Porter is out of the ministry. Also, there was an earthquake!
Fashy Australia/ACAB/SPOTW: Protests in Melbourne around the construction industry. We chew over the events of the week and try to come to some actual positions.
Plus we have a Potluck from Mitch, one of the hosts of Not Good Enough Pod! You can listen to them at https://notgoodpod.com/
Positivity Corner: Jordon Steele-John has been given the Greens' Federal Health Spokes role, and announced a new mental health care policy that would see unlimited mental health care funded by Medicare. We also have some amazing art from Imo Timo and you can see more of their work at https://www.instagram.com/imotimos_art/ or buy prints at https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/ImoTimosArt
First Nations: CW for names of people who have died from 60:00 - 1:05:00 and discussion of police violence against First Nations people from 1:05:00 - 1:10:00. We have three stories here. 1: a cool art exhibit called Viewpoints (also check out this article: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2021/sep/07/first-nations-photography-reframed-this-is-who-we-really-are). 2: Fella's Bill passes the SA upper house unanimously, meaning that the state will ban and criminalise the use of Spit Hoods. 3: update on the inquest of an Aboriginal man who was killed while being chased by police.
Mains: CW for intense misogyny and sexual harassment and assault from 1:10:00 to 1:21:00. A listener wrote in to us with their story about sexist discrimination in the Labor Party.
Business Time/the P-Zone: Please support us over on Patreon! For just $1 you get a monthly bonus episode PLUS a bunch of other stuff. www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod
Follow us on the Soc Meedz! @auspolsnackpod on all the things.
You can also watch Noon play games at www.twitch.tv/NoonPlaysGames.
You can ALSO also listen to Noon talk about Judaism on Perth Radio here: https://rtrfm.com.au/show-episode/midnightspecial-2021-09-23/

Sunday Sep 19, 2021
115 - Iron Chef
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
We have a big show this week, with some actual uncomplicated positivity, some big brain economic analysis, and of course, le memes.
We have a CW for our First Nations story for the name of someone who has died and descriptions of police violence. IF you'd like to skip that story it runs from 24:00 - 30:50. Our second FN story is also about racist policing but isn't graphic, and goes from 30:50 - 33:50.
This week we're serving up...
Aperitifs: Christian Porter kind of discloses donations, and Joel Fitzgibbon is stepping down.
Positivity Corner: Eastern barred bandicoots are no longer extinct in the wild! And a wombat did a HUP
SPOTW: Picnic is Coming to Victoria.
Coronas: Victorian Indigenous vaccination rates have been massively inflated, and we also check in on the outbreak in Wilcannia, NSW. Read more about the Wilcannia situation here: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/lcdocs/transcripts/2705/Transcript%20-%20Pandemic%20inquiry%20-%2013%20September%202021%20-%20UNCORRECTED.pdf
First Nations: CW for the name of an Indigenous woman who died and police violence. If you want to skip it it runs from 24:00-30:50, it's about an inquest into the death of Ms Wynne at the hands of police.
UFU: The Australian economy miiiiiiight do a small collapse as the worlds most indebted company, Chinese developer Evergrande, circles the drain. How will this affect the trout population?
Fashy Australia: What's that? We're overly reliant on China? Why don't be build nuclear subs to point at them? This will affect the trout population I think.
And you'll have to listen to the end for our Pupdate!
Please consider giving us a dollar at www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod

Sunday Sep 12, 2021
114 - Hummus & Rice Commissioner
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Welcome back to another serving of Snackpod! We're trying things a little differently so we're starting off this week with...
Aperitifs: Matthew Guy is back; Lyle Shelton is disendorsed by God; Women's Safety Summit was pretty depressing (more of this in the next story); Kristina K Keneally is parachuted into the Lower House.
Fashy Australia: (CW from 13:30-24:30 to for discussion of sexual assault and systemic misogyny) The Human Rights Commission job has been handed to Lorraine Finlay, a terrible conservative Liberal from WA. We also talk about Scott Morrison not just abdicating responsibility to deal with violence against women, but he's actively making things worse.
First Nations/Positivity Corner: Two First Nations women are standing as Greens candidates. Dorina Cox will replace Rachel Siewert in the Federal Senate, while Dianne Stokes has just been elected to the Barkly Regional Council in the NT.
SPOTW: We have a load of posts! Shoutouts to Steph, Effy, and Frank, with whatever the opposite of a shoutout is to Julian Burnside.
Potluck: this is the segment where we hear from our audience! This week we have a great potluck from Jack (listen to him on the Spooky Speaks podcast!) about Universities and their crappy employment practices.
Mains: The High Court - Australia's highest court, dontchaknow - has ruled that media companies are at least potentially liable for defamatory statements made on their Facebook posts. We discuss it from a few different angles.
And you'll have to wait until the end for our Pupdate!
Please support us over on Patreon: www.patreon.com/AuspolSnackpod